Wednesday, February 18, 2009

little bitty pretty one

The past few weeks have been really difficult. If there's anything I'm learning from it, it's when to say no and know your limits. Sometimes you just can't do everything on your own, so don't kill yourself trying. I have a feeling that things will probably get worse before they get better. But after that, there is only one direction to go and that is up.

Anyway, there is a sketchbook that has been circulating around the store where I work with each employee adding decorating a page or two with their own artwork. The book is huge, probably about 4 inches thick. Much of what others have done in it is super nice, so when it was my turn to take it home, I knew I had to create something extra special. At first I drew, inked and colored a picture but then I decided it looked really bad and I didn't want that representing me as an artist. So I took out the page and inserted my own with a new sketch I did in a couple of hours. But it turned out great and it was five times better than what I had done before.

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