Saturday, October 27, 2012

On the drawing board tonight!

An assignment for my watercolor class. Sorry for the bad picture quality. The pencil lines are always a little difficult to pick up with the camera. It is a "left brain/right brain" project. I have the triangle which is the scientific symbol for change, as well as a cloth wrapped up in an infinity symbol. But more details are to come, as well as some xerox transferring! So far I've done about 2 hours worth of work on the fabric and some of the body. It's all on hot press 300 pound arches watercolor.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Currently On the Drawing Table...

I did this very simple charcoal portrait in my lifedrawing class, but decided I could develop it into something further even though I didn't have a model on hand. So now I'm adding geometric elements and turning it into something I never really would have expected. I'll post another picture when I'm done with it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Tomorrow I'll be doing some plein air painting with my class. I'm taking James Gurney's advice and preparing some sky panels ahead of time. It's my first time using cobalt drier, so I hope they come out okay! I actually had some problems creating a good sky gradient, so next time I should probably try a larger brush than about 3/4 in so it's not so "stripey."

Monday, October 15, 2012

Alla Prima Showdown!

At the beginning of the month, the painting and drawing club at my school had their annual “Alla Prima Showdown.” Basically it’s a contest that involves a large group of people each completing a painting in 15 minutes and then afterwards being judged by our professors. There are about 4 rounds, and the winner receives a gift card to the local art store. I decided to attend although I’ve never painted alla prima before. It was lots of fun and I think I must have used about 25 dollars worth of paint just smacking it down before the time was up!

The first two rounds were still life subjects and I made it through, but the third round was a model. Although I do plenty of life drawing, I’ve never painted a live model before and honestly it looked terrible because I can’t paint decent skin yet! So I knew that I was out at that point and sure enough I was cut. The last round involved painting “nothing” which true to the word was literally an empty space. So people just made up whatever they wanted and put it down on their canvas. The judges weren’t exactly making their decisions on skill, to be fair they wanted everyone to have a shot, so they kind of made the rules up as they went along and it was hard to tell exactly what they wanted to see.
Round one was a black and white theme. You probably can't even tell whats there, but its a striped piece of fabric, silver pitcher, stuffed polar bear and a plaster cast. Various people in the background and the winner's robes.

A very colorful still life this time with a stuffed orange teddy bear, fruit and jars of paint.

I'm not posting my wretched nude, but even though I was out, I still painted this abstract for the last round where we had to paint "nothing."

But overall I had a wonderful time eating pizza, painting, talking to others and I’m glad I went. For making it as far as I did, I got a free brush so I didn’t come home empty handed. =) Two girls won and they got to have their names engraved on a silver cheese platter in the shape of a palette (heheh). Well if they have it again next year then I still have another shot to win!

We used canvas pads which are quite new to me. I really kind of like them and since I don’t plan on keeping my paintings, I think I’ll probably cut them up into smaller sizes and use them for studies.