Monday, April 23, 2007


Wow, so I actually finished coloring something! Finished it in illustrator- first thing I've ever done in that program.
And the line art--->

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Happy Cactus!

I have no idea why this girl has a banana in her pocket. ^^^ Just lucky, I guess? The girl with the handbag is channeling kirsten ulve.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

First post! *smashes bottle against the ship*

So I've decided to jump on the bandwagon and start posting some sketches like everybody else. I figure it will be a good exercise to actively post at least two times a month and it will encourage me to draw even more frequently. Mostly it will be quick doodles- stuff that isn't good enough for the website and drawn under 30 minutes w/cheap mediums.

And of course here is the mandatory disclaimer that all artwork posted on this blog belongs to me and no, you cannot use it without my permission- even if you do have the best of intentions. :) Naturally if you do I will hunt you down and you will cower before me in utter fear.